Holysmoke Smokehouse - Smoked Salmon, Bacon, Ham (National)

Top quality Artisan smokehouse. Handsliced salmon is superior quality in every way and yields 30% more slices per kilo than machine sliced. So very competitive to even fresh water salmon, ours is from the sea! Hot smoked salmon and Gravlax processed the old way, salted gently and air dried. Also bacon without the water jumping out of it when it hits the pan.

We portion to requirements and have over 100 chefs nationwide on our client list. Want to consider unique product options?

Phone 03 3749645 for overnight delivery anywhere in NZ.

Henk Tabak
Phone: 03 374 9645
Mobile: 021 472566
Fax: 03 374 9646
Email: info@holysmoke.co.nz
Web: www.holysmoke.co.nz