Quality and affordable card and scrapbooking supplies through our Online Store including an excellent range of wedding papers and 'bling' to create your own personal wedding invitations. Also an ideas galley to get you started.
For card makers, a wide range of the Die Cut With a View Mat Stacks and Paper Stacks.
If you live in Christchurch or just visiting, call and make a time to pop in and view products if you wish.
Carolyn Ford
Phone: 03 383 9299
Mobile: 021 103 4573
Email: info@cardandscrapbookingsupplies.co.nz
Web: www.cardandscrapbookingsupplies.co.nz
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Card-and-Scrapbooking-Supplies-NZ/197402113631816