Virtual View creates 3D imagery for any proposed development, whether it be for design, resource consent or marketing purposes.
There are three main areas of 3D imagery we provide:
3D Animations
Animations are created from fully modelled 3D environments. Fly or drive through your new development! This can then be transferred onto the web, DVD or CD, then given to potential buyers or shown at council hearings and public forums etc.
3D Photo simulations
Photo simulations are our most popular product for the resource consent process and The Environment Court. To produce a photo simulation a 3D model is accurately rendered into a 2 dimensional photograph, using survey data for positioning.
3D Scene Captures
Rendered scene captures are a created by partially modelled 3D environments, only the pre-determined views of the development need to be modelled. The images can be used on billboards, brochures, web or real estate magazines.
We also produce: Shadow simulations, ZTV Maps (GIS) and Time lapse simulations.
Emma Pollard
Phone: 03 977 5330
Mobile: 021 776 768
Fax: 03 977 5331